Introduction to Chemical Qualitative Analysis
Educational Level
Upper Secondary
Student Age
Number of students
∼ 10
Lesson duration
2 hours
At the end of the Lecture learners should be able to:
- Outline the procedures used in Qualitative analysis
- Understand and explain the need for qualitative analysis in a vocational context
- Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative analysis
- Describe the process involved in the determination of an unknown substance
Questioning of students throughout the lecture to determine whether the learners are understanding the explained concepts or not.
At the end of the lecture to call out two students and ask them to present what they have learnt during the lecture.
- Wet chemistry Lab
- Various analytical solutions
- WiFi
The topic shall be introduced through a fictitious case study entitled ‘Murder on the Dance floor’. In this story there was assassination in a leading local discotheque. The only criminal evidence found by the forensic team was a glass containing an unknown liquid.
Learners are to be asked to discuss, how one can identify the chemical contents of the liquid.
In this case the TPR shall be used to participate in groupwork/discussions.
Case-Based Learning: The scenario relates to a particular case whereby learners shall be solving a given problem.
Collaborative Learning & Problem-based Learning: Learners shall be collaborating to solve a common problem.
Inquiry-Based Learning: The learning shall be conducted through posing questions, problems and scenarios so that students can learner by engaging on the problem to be solved and learning along the process.
Lab-based Learning & Practice-based Learning: The session will be held in the wet chemistry lab for students to be able to do preliminary investigations.
Lesson Plan
Before the Lesson:
- Prepare the scenario.
- Prepare guidance notes for students
- Post guidance notes and preparatory guidelines in LMS
- Prepare rubrics for students and post in LMS so that they know how they will be evaluated
- Contact student who is not able to attend physically, to undertake TPR induction training and registration in advance.
- Prepare Wet chemistry lab
- Divide in two groups according to preferences.
- Review materials prepared by the lecturer.
- Research on Qualitative Analysis (analytical chemistry)
- Register on TPR portal.
- Introduction
- Link case study mentioned in introduction to a general introduction on qualitative analysis
- Encourage learners to identify uses of qualitative analysis in their work place.
- Determination of the steps used to determine an unknown compound – Tutor input.
- Exercise – Group work Instructions – Murder at the discotheque
- Review of main points mentioned during lecture and questioning time to determine what the learners have learnt.
- Learners do brainstorm regarding plausible uses of qualitative analysis in industry.
- Main advantages and Disadvantages of qualitative analysis
- Exercise – Murder on the dance floor – Brainstorm and creating a mind map of possible QA techiques to be used.
After Lesson:
- Fill in Record of Work
- Assessment record form
Students to revise Unit 4 and read out given notes and hand-outs.
Author: Edwin Zammit (MCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology)
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Possible questions for your evaluation of the TRinE Teaching Scenario
- What feedback / reflection was provided by the teacher?
- How is the feedback from the students?
- Why did you decide to use TRs?
- How did the TRs inform your lesson plan?
- What shifts or stretches are you making regarding the TRs?
Does the use of the Telepresence robots:
- align to learning outcomes?
- align to assessment?
- support your educational context?
- differentiate for individual students?
- enhance student thinking by addressing different levels of thinking?
- extend learning authentically beyond the classroom?
- increase engagement and active learning?
- promote and support collaboration?
- provide opportunities to construct knowledge?
Are the students participating / motivated / progressing?
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Teacher’s reflection: The wet chemistry layout might create mobility problems for TPR. In order to eliminate this risk, prior to the session all unutilised lab stools shall be stowed under the benches.
Student’s refection: In past session without TPR students appreciated the use of a case study to investigate and understand fundamental elements of qualitative analysis (analytical chemistry)
– Why did you decide to use TRs? To offer opportunities for students wishing to collaborate in group work from home. It was also used to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of this technology in the classroom.
– How did the TRs inform your lesson plan? Minor changes were made.
– What shifts or stretches are you making regarding the TRs? Prepping up the learners on how to make use and access the TPR before the session.
Lesson Plan Evaluation: I believe that the TPR will be able to support the educational context by providing an extended facility for learners to access the class. Furthermore it allows learns to engage themselves actively through the novelty of such tools. I am sure that students will be motivated to make use of this form of educational technology.